To: sed-users Date: Tue Jul 9, 2002 10:27 pm Subject: arkanoid sed hi friends, i really liked this sed games thing, so i tried to do something different than sokoban.sed. i thought arkanoid would be easier than sokoban, but i was really wrong. sokoban took 8 hours, arkanoid took more than 20 (lost count). the trickiest part was the block explosions, which can be of 4 types: free X way, free Y way, blocked XY and round (sequence) explosions. this one i tried to put lots os comments to be easier to understand the sed tricks. the sad part is that i only remembered the first two arkanoid levels. if someone has the others, please send me! there's a new page which besides holding the arkanoid.sed and arkanoid.gif screenshot, i'll put the other sed games and docs explaining how they work and how to do your own game, explaining some techniques i've learned. ah! there's a 'playsed' bash script that automatically feeds the ENTER on a timeout, or append it after the command you've entered (like a getchar), so the ball moves by itself. but this script only works with gsed 3.02.80 (with the -u option) and with bash>=2 prompt$ ./playsed -t 1 arkanoid.sed sokoban + playsed is good also, you just move without the needing to press ENTER: prompt$ ./playsed sokoban.sed hope you like it! ps.: internet has lots of futile information on it. i'm glad to contribute &;) ===== -- s/click/^a]/;^[:wq