# Updated by Pine(tm) 4.21, copyright 1989-1999 University of Washington. # # Pine configuration file -- customize as needed. # # This file sets the configuration options used by Pine and PC-Pine. If you # are using Pine on a Unix system, there may be a system-wide configuration # file which sets the defaults for these variables. There are comments in # this file to explain each variable, but if you have questions about # specific settings see the section on configuration options in the Pine # notes. On Unix, run pine -conf to see how system defaults have been set. # For variables that accept multiple values, list elements are separated # by commas. A line beginning with a space or tab is considered to be a # continuation of the previous line. For a variable to be unset its value # must be blank. To set a variable to the empty string its value should # be "". You can override system defaults by setting a variable to the # empty string. Switch variables are set to either "yes" or "no", and # default to "no". # Lines beginning with "#" are comments, and ignored by Pine. ########################### Essential Parameters ########################### allow-changing-from=yes # Over-rides your full name from Unix password file. Required for PC-Pine. personal-name=Aurelio Marinho Jargas # Sets domain part of From: and local addresses in outgoing mail. user-domain=conectiva.com.br # List of SMTP servers for sending mail. If blank: Unix Pine uses sendmail. smtp-server=smtp.conectiva # NNTP server for posting news. Also sets news-collections for news reading. nntp-server= # Path of (local or remote) INBOX, e.g. ={mail.somewhere.edu}inbox # Normal Unix default is the local INBOX (usually /usr/spool/mail/$USER). inbox-path=~/Mailbox ###################### Collections, Folders, and Files ##################### # List of incoming msg folders besides INBOX, e.g. ={host2}inbox, {host3}inbox # Syntax: optnl-label {optnl-imap-host-name}folder-path incoming-folders="screen" mail/.IN.screen, "sed" mail/.IN.sed-users, "tilt" mail/.IN.tilt, mgp mail/.IN.mgp # List of directories where saved-message folders may be. First one is # the default for Saves. Example: Main {host1}mail/[], Desktop mail\[] # Syntax: optnl-label {optnl-imap-hostname}optnl-directory-path[] folder-collections=mail/[] # List, only needed if nntp-server not set, or news is on a different host # than used for NNTP posting. Examples: News *[] or News *{host3/nntp}[] # Syntax: optnl-label *{news-host/protocol}[] news-collections=sent-mail mail/sent/[], {/nntp}#news.[] # List of folder pairs; the first indicates a folder to archive, and the # second indicates the folder read messages in the first should # be moved to. incoming-archive-folders= # List of context and folder pairs, delimited by a space, to be offered for # pruning each month. For example: {host1}mail/[] mumble pruned-folders= # Over-rides default path for sent-mail folder, e.g. =old-mail (using first # folder collection dir) or ={host2}sent-mail or ="" (to suppress saving). # Default: sent-mail (Unix) or SENTMAIL.MTX (PC) in default folder collection. default-fcc= # Over-rides default path for saved-msg folder, e.g. =saved-messages (using first # folder collection dir) or ={host2}saved-mail or ="" (to suppress saving). # Default: saved-messages (Unix) or SAVEMAIL.MTX (PC) in default folder collection. default-saved-msg-folder= # Over-rides default path for postponed messages folder, e.g. =pm (which uses # first folder collection dir) or ={host4}pm (using home dir on host4). # Default: postponed-msgs (Unix) or POSTPOND.MTX (PC) in default fldr coltn. postponed-folder= # If set, specifies where already-read messages will be moved upon quitting. read-message-folder= # Over-rides default path for signature file. Default is ~/.signature signature-file=mail/.assinatura # List of file or path names for global/shared addressbook(s). # Default: none # Syntax: optnl-label path-name global-address-book= # List of file or path names for personal addressbook(s). # Default: ~/.addressbook (Unix) or \PINE\ADDRBOOK (PC) # Syntax: optnl-label path-name address-book=mail/.addressbook ############################### Preferences ################################ # List of features; see Pine's Setup/options menu for the current set. # e.g. feature-list= select-without-confirm, signature-at-bottom # Default condition for all of the features is no-. feature-list=enable-incoming-folders, expunge-without-confirm, signature-at-bottom, show-selected-in-boldface, quit-without-confirm, enable-flag-cmd, select-without-confirm, auto-zoom-after-select, auto-unzoom-after-apply, enable-aggregate-command-set, enable-bounce-cmd, enable-tab-completion, save-will-advance, tab-visits-next-new-message-only, enable-suspend, enable-full-header-cmd, delete-skips-deleted, expanded-view-of-folders, enable-msg-view-urls, enable-msg-view-web-hostnames, no-include-header-in-reply, enable-8bit-esmtp-negotiation, show-plain-text-internally, enable-arrow-navigation-relaxed, enable-arrow-navigation, enable-alternate-editor-cmd, enable-sigdashes, combined-folder-display, quell-empty-directories, vertical-folder-list, enable-msg-view-addresses, use-subshell-for-suspend, fcc-without-attachments, enable-msg-view-attachments, enable-mail-check-cue, show-cursor, include-text-in-reply # Pine executes these keys upon startup (e.g. to view msg 13: i,j,1,3,CR,v) initial-keystroke-list= # Only show these headers (by default) when composing messages default-composer-hdrs=To:, Cc:, Fcc:, Subject: # Add these customized headers (and possible default values) when composing customized-hdrs=From: aurelio@conectiva.com.br # When viewing messages, include this list of headers viewer-hdrs=From, Resent-from, To, Resent-To, Cc, Resent-cc, Bcc, Newsgroups, Followup-To, Date, Resent-Date, Resent-Subject, Reply-To, X-Mailer, User-Agent, Subject # Determines default folder name for Saves... # Choices: default-folder, by-sender, by-from, by-recipient, last-folder-used. # Default: "default-folder", i.e. "saved-messages" (Unix) or "SAVEMAIL" (PC). saved-msg-name-rule= # Determines default name for Fcc... # Choices: default-fcc, by-recipient, last-fcc-used. # Default: "default-fcc" (see also "default-fcc=" variable.) fcc-name-rule= # Sets presentation order of messages in Index. Choices: # subject, from, arrival, date, size. Default: "arrival". sort-key= # Sets presentation order of address book entries. Choices: dont-sort, # fullname-with-lists-last, fullname, nickname-with-lists-last, nickname # Default: "fullname-with-lists-last". addrbook-sort-rule= # Sets the default folder and collectionoffered at the Goto Command's prompt. goto-default-rule= # Reflects capabilities of the display you have. Default: US-ASCII. # Typical alternatives include ISO-8859-x, (x is a number between 1 and 9). character-set=iso-8859-1 # Specifies the program invoked by ^_ in the Composer, # or the "enable-alternate-editor-implicitly" feature. editor=vi # Specifies the program invoked by ^T in the Composer. speller=ispell # Specifies the column of the screen where the composer should wrap. composer-wrap-column=65 # Specifies the string to insert when replying to message. reply-indent-string= # Specifies the string to use when sending a message with no to or cc. empty-header-message=- = - # Program to view images (e.g. GIF or TIFF attachments). image-viewer=/usr/bin/zgv # If "user-domain" not set, strips hostname in FROM address. (Unix only) use-only-domain-name= ########## Set within or by Pine: No need to edit below this line ########## # Your default printer selection printer= # List of special print commands personal-print-command= # Which category default print command is in personal-print-category= # Set by Pine; controls beginning-of-month sent-mail pruning. last-time-prune-questioned=104.6 # Set by Pine; controls display of "new version" message. last-version-used=4.44L # This names the path to an alternative program, and any necessary arguments, # to be used in posting mail messages. Example: # /usr/lib/sendmail -oem -t -oi # or, # /usr/local/bin/sendit.sh # The latter a script found in Pine distribution's contrib/util directory. # NOTE: The program MUST read the message to be posted on standard input, # AND operate in the style of sendmail's "-t" option. sendmail-path= # This names the root of the tree to which the user is restricted when reading # and writing folders and files. For example, on Unix ~/work confines the # user to the subtree beginning with their work subdirectory. # (Note: this alone is not sufficient for preventing access. You will also # need to restrict shell access and so on, see Pine Technical Notes.) # Default: not set (so no restriction) operating-dir= # This variable takes a list of programs that message text is piped into # after MIME decoding, prior to display. display-filters= # This defines a program that message text is piped into before MIME # encoding, prior to sending sending-filters= # A list of alternate addresses the user is known by alt-addresses=fake@aurelio.net # This is a list of formats for address books. Each entry in the list is made # up of space-delimited tokens telling which fields are displayed and in # which order. See help text addressbook-formats= # This gives a format for displaying the index. It is made # up of space-delimited tokens telling which fields are displayed and in # which order. See help text index-format=STATUS DATE FROMORTO(15%) KSIZE SUBJECT(85%) # The number of lines of overlap when scrolling through message text viewer-overlap= # Number of lines from top and bottom of screen where single # line scrolling occurs. scroll-margin= # The number of seconds to sleep after writing a status message status-message-delay= # The approximate number of seconds between checks for new mail mail-check-interval=150 # Full path and name of NEWSRC file newsrc-path= # Path and filename of news configation's active file. # The default is typically "/usr/lib/news/active". news-active-file-path= # Directory containing system's news data. # The default is typically "/usr/spool/news" news-spool-directory= # Path and filename of the program used to upload text from your terminal # emulator's into Pine's composer. upload-command= # Text sent to terminal emulator prior to invoking the program defined by # the upload-command variable. # Note: _FILE_ will be replaced with the temporary file used in the upload. upload-command-prefix= # Path and filename of the program used to download text via your terminal # emulator from Pine's export and save commands. download-command= # Text sent to terminal emulator prior to invoking the program defined by # the download-command variable. # Note: _FILE_ will be replaced with the temporary file used in the downlaod. download-command-prefix= # Sets the search path for the mailcap cofiguration file. # NOTE: colon delimited under UNIX, semi-colon delimited under DOS/Windows/OS2. mailcap-search-path= # Sets the search path for the mimetypes cofiguration file. # NOTE: colon delimited under UNIX, semi-colon delimited under DOS/Windows/OS2. mimetype-search-path= # Sets the time in seconds that Pine will attempt to open a network # connection. The default is 30, the minimum is 5, and the maximum is # system defined (typically 75). tcp-open-timeout= # Sets the time in seconds that Pine will attempt to open a UNIX remote # shell connection. The default is 15, min is 5, and max is unlimited. # Zero disables rsh altogether. rsh-open-timeout= # Sets the version number Pine will use as a threshold for offering # its new version message on startup. new-version-threshold= # If set, specifies where form letters should be stored. form-letter-folder= # Sets presentation order of folder list entries. Choices: , # # Default: "alpha-with-directories-last". folder-sort-rule= # Sets message which cursor begins on. Choices: first-unseen, first-recent, # first, last. Default: "first-unseen". incoming-startup-rule= # If no user input for this many hours, Pine will exit if in an idle loop # waiting for a new command. If set to zero (the default), then there will # be no timeout. user-input-timeout= # Sets the name of the command used to open a UNIX remote shell connection. # The default is tyically /usr/ucb/rsh. rsh-path= # Sets the format of the command used to open a UNIX remote # shell connection. The default is "%s %s -l %s exec /etc/r%sd" # NOTE: the 4 (four) "%s" entries MUST exist in the provided command # where the first is for the command's path, the second is for the # host to connnect to, the third is for the user to connect as, and the # fourth is for the connection method (typically "imap") rsh-command= # List of programs to open Internet URLs (e.g. http or ftp references). url-viewers=/usr/bin/lynx # List of mail drivers to disable. See technical notes. disable-these-drivers= # Set by Pine; contains data for caching remote address books. remote-abook-metafile= # How many extra copies of remote address book should be kept. Default: 3 remote-abook-history= # Specifies the introduction to insert when replying to a message. reply-leadin=@ _DAY_/_MONTH_, _FROM_: # Patterns and their actions are stored here. patterns= # Controls display of color color-style=force-ansi-8color # Sets the time in seconds that Pine will attempt to open a UNIX secure # shell connection. The default is 15, min is 5, and max is unlimited. # Zero disables ssh altogether. ssh-open-timeout= # Sets the name of the command used to open a UNIX secure shell connection. # Tyically this is /usr/local/bin/ssh. ssh-path= # Sets the format of the command used to open a UNIX secure # shell connection. The default is "%s %s -l %s exec /etc/r%sd" # NOTE: the 4 (four) "%s" entries MUST exist in the provided command # where the first is for the command's path, the second is for the # host to connnect to, the third is for the user to connect as, and the # fourth is for the connection method (typically "imap") ssh-command= # Minimum number of minutes between checks for remote address book changes. # 0 means never check except when opening a remote address book. # -1 means never check. Default: 5 remote-abook-validity= # Choose: black,blue,green,cyan,red,magenta,yellow,or white. normal-foreground-color=cyan normal-background-color=black reverse-foreground-color=black reverse-background-color=green title-foreground-color= title-background-color= status-foreground-color= status-background-color= keylabel-foreground-color= keylabel-background-color= keyname-foreground-color= keyname-background-color= selectable-item-foreground-color=yellow selectable-item-background-color=black quote1-foreground-color=green quote1-background-color=black quote2-foreground-color=magenta quote2-background-color=black quote3-foreground-color=white quote3-background-color=black prompt-foreground-color= prompt-background-color= index-to-me-foreground-color=black index-to-me-background-color=green index-important-foreground-color=white index-important-background-color=black index-deleted-foreground-color=yellow index-deleted-background-color=black index-answered-foreground-color= index-answered-background-color= index-new-foreground-color=white index-new-background-color=black index-recent-foreground-color=white index-recent-background-color=black index-unseen-foreground-color=white index-unseen-background-color=black # When viewing messages, these are the header colors viewer-hdr-colors=/HDR=From/FG=white/BG=black, /HDR=To/FG=green/BG=black, /HDR=X-Mailer/FG=magenta/BG=black, /HDR=User-Agent/FG=magenta/BG=black, /HDR=Reply-To/FG=red/BG=black, /HDR=Subject/FG=white/BG=black # LDAP servers for looking up addresses. ldap-servers= # Contains the actual signature contents as opposed to the signature filename. # If defined, this overrides the signature-file. Default is undefined. literal-signature= # Allows a default answer for the prune folder questions. Choices: yes-ask, # yes-no, no-ask, no-no, ask-ask, ask-no. Default: "ask-ask". pruning-rule= # Network read warning timeout. The default is 15, the minimum is 5, and the # maximum is 1000. tcp-read-warning-timeout= # Network write warning timeout. The default is 0 (unset), the minimum # is 5 (if not 0), and the maximum is 1000. tcp-write-warning-timeout= # If this much time has elapsed at the time of a tcp read or write # timeout, pine will ask if you want to break the connection. # Default is 60 seconds, minimum is 5, maximum is 1000. tcp-query-timeout= # List of SASL authenticators to disable. disable-these-authenticators= # Patterns and their actions are stored here. patterns-roles=LIT:pattern="/NICK=verde/FLDTYPE=EMAIL" action="/ROLE=1/FROM=# aurelio marinho jargas /RTYPE=NC/FTYPE=YES/CTYPE=NC", LIT:pattern="/NICK=techlink/FLDTYPE=EMAIL" action="/ROLE=1/FROM=# aurelio marinho jargas /FCC=techlink-sent/RTYPE=YES/FTYPE=YES/CTYPE=NO" # Patterns and their actions are stored here. patterns-filters= # Patterns and their actions are stored here. patterns-scores= # Patterns and their actions are stored here. patterns-indexcolors=LIT:pattern="/NICK=contador/FROM=nobody@users.sourceforge.net/FLDTYPE=EMAIL" action="/ISINCOL=1/INCOL=\/FG=blue\/BG=black", LIT:pattern="/NICK=importantes/FLDTYPE=EMAIL/STATI=YES" action="/ISINCOL=1/INCOL=\/FG=red\/BG=black", LIT:pattern="/NICK=eu/FROM=verde@,aurelio@/FLDTYPE=EMAIL" action="/ISINCOL=1/INCOL=\/FG=green\/BG=black", LIT:pattern="/NICK=techlink/RECIP=aurelio.j@techlink.com.br/FLDTYPE=EMAIL" action="/ISINCOL=1/INCOL=\/FG=color015\/BG=black" # Patterns and their actions are stored here. patterns-other= # Controls display of color for current index line current-indexline-style=