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MoneyLog Experience: Track your finances the practical way. Think simple! Learn more...

  • Reports: Daily, monthly and yearly, with charts, balance and totals.

  • Recent Only: See only the latest data, ignoring oldies.
  • Filter Values: See only positive or negative values, or greater/lesser than some value.
  • Show Future Data: Shows future incoming and expenses.
  • Show Monthly Partials: Shows the monthly balance, with sums of your incoming and expenses on the period.

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Tip: On the reports, click the column header to sort the results. Click again for reverse sorting.

Instructions: Save this page, use a plain text editor to add your own transactions and open it on the browser.

book energy geek gift rental salary supermarket water EMPTY
1 2011-09-01 -100.00 My initial balance :( -100.00
2 2011-09-05 500.00 salary 400.00
3 2011-09-05 -200.00 rental Home rental (seis months) 1/6 200.00
4 2011-09-07 -25.00 energy 175.00
5 2011-09-07 -20.00 water 155.00
6 2011-09-10 100.00 gift Uncle Arnold will give me 100 bucks/month until December 1/4 255.00
7 2011-09-15 -74.23 supermarket 180.77
8 2011-09-15 -1.99 geek My new mouse 10/12 178.78
9 2011-09-23 -39.90 gift, book "Gremlins Horoscope" book 138.88
1 2011-10-03 -342.59 gift One Shrubbery -203.71
2 2011-10-05 500.00 salary 296.29
3 2011-10-05 -200.00 rental Home rental (seis months) 2/6 96.29
4 2011-10-07 -20.00 energy 76.29
5 2011-10-07 -17.80 water 58.49
6 2011-10-10 100.00 gift Uncle Arnold will give me 100 bucks/month until December 2/4 158.49
7 2011-10-11 30.00 I've won that bet with John 188.49
8 2011-10-12 -35.00 gift, geek Ascii Art Tux 3D poster 153.49
9 2011-10-15 -1.99 geek My new mouse 11/12 151.50
10 2011-10-29 -95.67 supermarket 55.83
1 2011-11-05 500.00 salary 555.83
2 2011-11-05 -200.00 rental Home rental (seis months) 3/6 355.83
3 2011-11-07 -29.00 energy 326.83
4 2011-11-07 -32.37 water 294.46
5 2011-11-10 100.00 gift Uncle Arnold will give me 100 bucks/month until December 3/4 394.46
6 2011-11-12 -199.90 gift Used Segway on E-bay 194.56
7 2011-11-15 -1.99 geek My new mouse 12/12 (paid!) 192.57
8 2011-11-25 50.00 gift Christmas gift: half in November, half in December 1/2 242.57
1 2011-12-05 500.00 salary 742.57
2 2011-12-05 -100.00 geek Used Netbook bought in 5 payments 1/5 642.57
3 2011-12-05 -200.00 rental Home rental (seis months) 4/6 442.57
4 2011-12-07 -25.00 energy 417.57
5 2011-12-07 -30.00 water 387.57
6 2011-12-10 100.00 gift Uncle Arnold will give me 100 bucks/month until December 4/4 487.57
7 2011-12-20 -10.00 Dinner at downtown 477.57
8 2011-12-25 50.00 gift Christmas gift: half in November, half in December 2/2 527.57
1 2012-01-05 500.00 salary 1,027.57
2 2012-01-05 -100.00 geek Used Netbook bought in 5 payments 2/5 927.57
3 2012-01-05 -200.00 rental Home rental (seis months) 5/6 727.57
1 2012-02-05 -100.00 geek Used Netbook bought in 5 payments 3/5 627.57
2 2012-02-05 -200.00 rental Home rental (seis months) 6/6 427.57
1 2012-03-05 -100.00 geek Used Netbook bought in 5 payments 4/5 327.57
1 2012-04-05 -100.00 geek Used Netbook bought in 5 payments 5/5 227.57
1 2012-07-31 99.99 salary Bonus 327.56
# Change this data by yours, separated by TABs
# Again: Separated by TABs, not spaces
# The date is on the YEAR-MONTH-DAY format

2011-09-01	-100	My initial balance :(
2011-09-15	 -74.23	supermarket|
2011-09-15	  -1.99	geek| My new mouse 10/12
2011-09-23	 -39.90	gift, book| "Gremlins Horoscope" book

2011-10-03	-342.59	gift| One Shrubbery
2011-10-11	 +30.00	I've won that bet with John
2011-10-12	 -35.00	gift, geek| Ascii Art Tux 3D poster
2011-10-15	  -1.99	geek| My new mouse 11/12
2011-10-29	 -95.67	supermarket|

2011-11-12	-199.90	gift| Used Segway on E-bay
2011-11-15	  -1.99	geek| My new mouse 12/12 (paid!)

2011-12-20	 -10.00	Dinner at downtown

# The order is not important. You can join together recurring transactions.

2011-09-05	500	salary|
2011-10-05	500	salary|
2011-11-05	500	salary|
2011-12-05	500	salary|
2012-01-05	500	salary|

2011-09-07	-25.00	energy|
2011-10-07	-20.00	energy|
2011-11-07	-29.00	energy|
2011-12-07	-25.00	energy|

2011-09-07	-20.00	water|
2011-10-07	-17.80	water|
2011-11-07	-32.37	water|
2011-12-07	-30.00	water|

# Future transactions!

2012-07-31	+99.99	salary| Bonus

# Installment payments: use a / and the number of months

2011-12-05	-500/5	geek| Used Netbook bought in 5 payments
2011-11-25	 100/2	gift| Christmas gift: half in November, half in December

# Recurring payments: use a * and the number of months

2011-09-05	-200*6	rental| Home rental (seis months)
2011-09-10	 100*4	gift| Uncle Arnold will give me 100 bucks/month until December